Hospitality Solutions

Hospitality Solutions

The Hospitality Solutions we sell

We stock the products you need for guests to hold amazing meetings on your premises. Buy notice cases, planners, lecterns, trolleys, luggage racks, umbrella stands, quiet tiles, and flipchart stands here.

Ways our Hospitality Solutions help you

Hold more effective meetings for your staff or organize staff activities with our notice cases and planners.

Supply guests with the tools they need to provide exceptional meetings so they’ll keep returning to your establishment.

Solve problems for guests and staff with more efficient and convenient tools.

Tips for using our Hospitality Solutions

Use magnetic notice cases for sharing information with and collecting ideas from employees.

Improve company management with a magnetic staff status board.

Stock your conference room(s) with everything guests could want, even solutions that probably haven’t occurred to them. Go above and beyond to get amazingly loyal clients.

It’s so easy!

Select one of our notice cases or trolleys, have it delivered for free, and begin making your establishment’s problems history.


SANA 3D Tiles
from $149.00
clear whiteboard
SANA Summit
from $465.00
Buzz Mobile Whiteboard

FREE delivery to metro areas

We are a proud Queensland company and can deliver all of our stock to anywhere in Australia.